Seminars & Workshops

A Scottish Seminar!

Really looking forward to Scotland in September. Annie and I did part of our honeymoon there, just outside of Edinburgh, which we found to be one of the great “walk around” cities ever. Happy to be going back.

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Doing a week long shooting/lighting workshop with the estimable Liza Politi, Sept. 6-13, but, prior to that workshop, on Sept. 4th, we have a one day flash seminar staging at the Apex Hotel in downtown Edinburgh. Hit this link for details. It will be the usual–pictures, Speedlights, live shoots, Q&A, and most likely, quite a few laughs along the way. I mean, I won’t be teaching the CLS system in the hysterically profane way Robin Williams explained the glorious Scottish game of golf , but, I’m sure there will be a pithy comment here and there during the day.

The day is described below…

Joe McNally is thrilled to finally teach in Edinburgh! McNally will begin this very unique one-day lighting seminar with one basic Speedlight and quickly move through a series of scenarios, developing more sophisticated, off-camera lighting setups using multiple Speedlights as the day goes on. Emphasis will be placed on moving fast and using the intuitive capabilities of TTL wireless flash photography to create portraiture and beautifully lit scenes. The issue of successfully managing light will be up for discussion, as well as diffusing it, bouncing it and creating drama and shadows. The three main areas of using light are color, quality and direction, and all three will be shown and discussed during this seminar. We’ll have live models for the day, but McNally also pulls subjects from the crowd, which always results in lively exchanges and great fun! In addition to the images shot live, he will show examples of light and light theory, while engaging the audience in anongoing Q&A and offering tips, tricks, stories and survival strategies derived from 35 years of shooting.

Nikon UK will be on hand during the Joe McNally seminar with a table display to showcase the latest Nikon equipment and answer questions. PLUS Nikon will have a giveaway for each participant!

We’ll look at all manner of light from character lighting to beauty light, on stage, with every picture going straight to the screen for comment and discussion.



Again, here’s the link, and Scotland here we come! Many thanks as well to What’s On Edinburgh for the mention of the seminar day.

More tk…


The post A Scottish Seminar! appeared first on Joe McNally’s Blog.