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How To Shoot Fashion Shows Easily With These 6 Simple Tips

How To Shoot Fashion Shows

Hi there readers, today we have a special guest joining us. Based in the Netherlands, Sander Van Leeuwen, has worked in fashion and commercial photography as well as film. He’s also been a loyal follower of FPBlog for many years now and had taken the time to write to us in a response to an article we had previously posted on how to shoot fashion shows.


We thought what he wrote was so insightful and it listed factors that the original post oversaw, that we decided that it would benefit a lot of you who may be trying to shoot fashion shows for the first time and not quite sure what to expect of the experience. We have invited Sander Van Leeuwen to share with us his 6 simple tips that can make shooting through the commotion of a fashion show just a little bit easier by being prepared for the experience.


We do want to want to make a disclaimer though before we start, and remind everyone that fashion shows are live events, and can be, by nature, a stressful affair. Like in wedding photography, if you miss the moment, you miss the moment. There is no going back!  The buzzing environment of fashion shows may not be everyone’s cup of tea, (perhaps not even for Sander) though some people thrive in these kind of situations. We just want you to be prepared, so you can be on your game and not miss those moments photographing powerful shots of the models on the runway. Take it away, Sander!


Shoot Fashion Shows Using 6 Simple Tips 


Hi folks, actually it’s kind of stupid that a lot of camera people (were) shooting the same show… the craziness during a show I did (the Amsterdam International Fashion Week)… It was my first big show. I actually liked some of the parts (the parties and being with a lot of famous people (and) designers), but I hated the actual shooting, since it was kind of stressful. My experience:


1. Professional shows have good light: especially with the good high ISO performance, nowadays this is not an issue.


2. 70-200 mm is a good range. The only thing is most of the time you can’t shoot full body on the turn. But with 200 mm you can shoot nice full body shots during the whole runway and you can make some nice close ups of accessories.


3. DON’T USE FLASH! With a lot of photographers the chance is big you’re ruining someone else s picture with your flash, or someone else is ruining yours. Good organizations even officially forbid to use flash (if not other photographers will look at you (like) they are going to kill you).


4. A monopod is a must have. It happens that there is very little space and you can stand steady between all other photographers.


5. Take a bottle of water with you since waiting can be really make you tired and thirsty.


6. If it’s a multiple show even, try to make friends with some of the photographers so you can help each other when this is needed (save good spots for example) and you can have a nice chat while waiting… Did I mentioned waiting already? 😉


I hope this helps some photographers a little!


Kind Regards, Sander



Did you find these tips useful? Please share this post on social media if you did 🙂


Also, if you have your own tips not covered in this list, please write them in the comments box. We will love to hear what tips you have.


Lastly, if you would like to be featured as a guest writer like Sander Van Leeuwen did, do send us a message and get in touch with us. We would like to hear from you. For more details on how to contribute to click here –> CONTRIBUTE TO FPBLOG HERE