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The Simple Trick To Finding The Best Light

There is an easy way to find the best light in any situation: The Hand Trick. Check out this quick video to see exactly how it works!

Great light can be subtle. Small changes of angle or position can often have a dramatic effect. So when you’re out shooting, finding the best light for portrait photography can sometimes be difficult!

Luckily there’s a super simple little trick that will help analyze the light around you, and figure out the best place to face your subject.

Here’s how to do it:

Hold your hand out in front of you, and observe the light on your hand.

With your hand held out, slowly move around in a circle and see how the light changes on your hand.

What you’re looking for is the place where the light looks best on your hand. Once you find that sweet spot, have your subject stand there! See? Told you it was really easy.

What makes The Hand Trick so great is that it’s fast, efficient (you don’t have to keep moving your subject around), and visual. Like I said, great light can be subtle, and it’s not always easy to look at a scene and predict where the best spot will be. The Hand Trick lets you see the results of the light for yourself, and will help you make better decisions about the light wherever you go.

To learn more about light make sure to check out our Fantastic Fundamental Light Skills tutorial. You’ll learn the fundamentals of light that will take your photography to the next level!

The post The Simple Trick To Finding The Best Light appeared first on Photography Concentrate.