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Tips For Working with Agency Models

Alana Tyler Slutsky is back on, after sharing the steps to take when approaching a new modeling agency for the first time, to reveal some tips with our readers that are useful to remember when working with models from agencies in order to maintain a working relationship with both the models and the agencies they are from. Take it away Alana!  

 Top Male Modeling Agencies in New York NYC for Men

Hey readers!


A LOT of people have asked how to approach agencies to work with their models, so here are some tips for working with agency models.




 – DO NOT SHOOT NUDE/IMPLIED NUDE – nudity isn’t really necessary.  It won’t end up in the models book, it doesn’t look good on you, just don’t do it!  If you shoot nude, there is a very good chance that agency will not be sending you another model to test.  Remember – ** A lot of the girls you’ll be sent are young.  Shooting nude or dressing models in sheer clothing is risky business when you’re working with a 16 year old **


– THESE IMAGES ARE FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO – whatever you do DO NOT make the mistake of shooting client work with a model under the impression that this is a test shoot.  The agency will find out and they’ll send you a bill.


– DON’T BE A JERK! – I would hope no one is going to be a jerk anyways, but keep in mind that everyone on a test is donating their time.  Don’t be mean.  Models will review you to their agent. Keep that in mind when you have the urge to yell and make the model cry “to draw out the emotion.”


– KEEP THE IMAGE USABLE – by that I mean don’t go heavy on the makeup and keep the hair simple.  The more you do to the model, the less likely they’ll be able to use it in their book.  As pointed out before – agents love simple, natural, clean images of their models.  Leave the crazy stuff for editorials.  If you become that guy known for extreme makeup and hair, chances are you’re not going to be sent more models to work with.


The best advice I can give is to start with smaller agencies and work your way up, (that is what I did and I’m still in the process of doing).  Don’t know who to contact and who to hold off contacting?  Do some research! is a great resource that shows the top agencies for men and women.  They also have a directory of agencies which you can view by country/state/city.  I would advise to stay away from the top agencies until you’ve tested a bit, build up your confidence and know what you’re doing.


Good luck!

– Alana



Did you find Alana’s post useful? Please leave your comments below in the comment section. We would like to know what you thought about this post. If you enjoyed this article, do stay tuned as Alana has another post just around the corner on FashionPhotograhyBlog.comIf you want to know more about approaching modeling agencies, check our upcoming post on Reaching Out To Modeling Agencies.



Feature image & images 1: courtesy of Alana Tyler Slutsky.