
It Made Click! Color Spaces

Today’s question is about the in-camera histogram (which I use all the time) and also about working with different color spaces..

I use

  • RAW (propriatary color space) for all adjustments in LightRoom
  • 16 bit ProPhotoRGB for all edits in PhotoShop
  • SRGB whenever exporting the results for web or simple printers

I know some gurus will not like it but I never do anything in Adobe RGB. I don’t see any sense using it.

Histogram: The in-camera histogram is based on a JPG preview and might indicate a slightly lower dynamic range than what the RAW file actually provides me. This means, if I nailed the exposure according to the in-camera histogram, then the RAW file will be excellent.

The thing that I mention in the video when talking about the striped pattern that I flashed accross the scene is the Lightblaster.
The patterns were part of Good Light! Magazine Issue 7.

Model: Victoria Sweet