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New Retouching Tutorial + A Sweet Contest!

Hey friends!

I have exciting news for you today! We’ve just launched a brand spankin’ new tutorial designed to help you get serious retouching skills, fast! It’s called Really Easy Retouching and I’m so excited to get to share it with you!

Retouching can add a level of polish to your photos that you simply can’t get any other way. But finding good retouching resources that don’t bog you down in weeks worth of detail can be hard to find.

That’s why I’ve created this tutorial. I want to help you get the skills you need to do simple, natural retouching, fast. I’ve created 12 HD videos that show you what tools to use, and how to use them, to address common retouching problems – like stray hairs, blemishes, yellow teeth, distractions, skin shine and more.

This crash course will teach you the essentials in just over 1.5 hours. You’ll know how to add that extra polish to your images by tonight, even if you’ve never used Adobe® Photoshop®! 

Take a peek at a few of the images you’ll see retouched in Really Easy Retouching:

Click here to check out all of the images and learn how to do fast, natural retouching that takes your work to a new level.

I hope you enjoy it!

PLUS! To celebrate the launch of Really Easy Retouching, we’re holding a limited time 30% off sale! And, we’re giving one lucky reader a free Wacom tablet – a super-handy tool for retouching! For more on the tutorial, the sale and to enter the contest, head this way! Woo!